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[ˌlaɪmˈgriːn] ADJverde lima
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
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The uniform is predominantly yellow, with a lime-green collar, while a thin green stripe runs down the sides of the pants.
ROMANESCO broccoli, pictured, is a natural wonder - a lime-green vegetable that tastes somewhere between broccoli and cauliflower.
EAT ROMANESCO BROCCOLI ROMANESCO broccoli, pictured, is a natural wonder - a lime-green vegetable that tastes somewhere between broccoli and cauliflower.
Neil Warnock's side will push for the Premier League in fluorescent lime-green shirts as their change strip for the 2017-18 campaign, having ditched the controversial red.
On a recent drive due north on the Van Wyck Expressway into Manhattan from JFK airport, Smirnoff was sitting in the passenger seat, looking svelte, tanned, well-groomed, and oddly color-coordinated, with his lime-green button-down shirt, lime-green cellphone case, and a lime-green luggage set, which he had just tossed in the trunk.
It's a fabulous tree, with weeping catkins, lime-green leaves and bright white stems.
the mind left off, this trowel, hot pink with a lime-green handle,
And second, would anybody want to own a '73 lime-green Pinto for that long anyway?
It created its own little world of paper-thin, lime-green leaves after the white-petalled floaty flowers billowed away.
The Astilbe is one of our favourite perennial introductions and modern breeding has created this prolific-flowering variety, with deep pink spikes that contrast beautifully with the luscious lime-green foliage.
Good varieties include 'Purple Cape', a reliable winter variety with deep purple heads, and 'Romanesco', a lime-green type.