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n.1.A limehound; a limmer.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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The meeting was also attended by Daniel Limer, the Middle East Official at the German Ministry of Economy and Energy, Ambassador of Germany to Qatar HE Hans-Udo Muzel and Second Secretary at Qatar's Embassy to Germany Abdul Aziz Hassan al Haj.
Aside from Sheikh Khalifa and Bareiss, the meeting was attended by Daniel Limer, the Middle East official at the German Ministry of Economy and Energy; Ambassador of Germany to Qatar Hans-Udo Muzel; and Abdul Aziz Hassan al-Haj, second secretary at Qatar's embassy in Germany.
(40.) Eric Limer, "Watch the Navy's LOCUST Launcher Fire off a Swarm of Autonomous Drones," Popular Mechanics, 24 May 2016, -launcher-test-2016.
The president of the farm, Tammy Limer, said the llama died while trying to protect the other llamas and alpacas.
hired two new account managers, Scott Charest and Tina Hart, both of whom report to Brent Limer, chief sales officer for Latexco US.
LANGLEY DAM 01434 688846 Heavy rain and cooler conditions have brought the fishing back to its best with good returns recorded, top rod this last week was float tuber T Barclay who netted 13 fish, E Dunbar netted eight, R Watson caught 7, S Mole, S OLIVER, M Limer and B King all landed five trout each.
He was born May 25, 1925 in Pana to the late Ralph and Dorthea (Limer) Waddington.
"Trump was telling his friends that he and Jared engineered a Saudi coup," the White House correspondent Jonathan Limer said in a tweet on Twitter.
(3) Eric Limer, "Watch the Navy's LOCUST Launcher Fire Off a Swarm of Autonomous Drones," Popular Mechanics, May 24, 2016, available at < weapons/a21008/navy-locust-launcher-test-2016/>.
(70) Eric Limer How to Shoot Down a Drone, POPULAR MECHANICS.