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(Animals) a venomous snake, Bothrops jararaca, found in South America
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In Brazil, snakes of the genus Bothrops-more popularly known as "jararaca," "ouricana," and "caicara," among other names-correspond to more than 90% of the poisonings (BRASIL, 2001).
[15.] Morais-Zani KD, Grego KF, Tanaka AS (2013) Proteomic Analysis of the Ontogenetic Variability in Plasma Composition of Juvenile and Adult Bothrops jararaca Snakes.
VII--Igarapes Mecejana, Tiririca e Jararaca a faixa de preservacao e 50m.
Varias toxinas de serpentes vem sendo usadas no tratamento de diabetes, dores musculares, doencas do coracao e hipertensao: o Captopril, por exemplo, e produzido a partir do veneno de Jararacas (Bothrops jararaca (Wied-Neuwied, 1824)) (BERNARDE, 2009).
In one study it was illustrated that Bothrops jararaca venom proteases activated plasma kininogens to bradykinin, an inflammatory mediator responsible for vasodilation (and thus oedema) at the site of inflammation [48].
Gutieerrez, "Pulmonary hemorrhage induced by jararhagin, a metalloproteinase from Bothrops jararaca snake venom," Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, vol.