

n.1.A variety of pear which ripens early.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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The Fashionista comes with a selection of the finest sweet treats; white chocolate raspberries, strawberry and balsamic white chocolate, jargonelle pear drops and red berry tea completed with a bottle of crisp white wine.
The orchard, planted in 1919 by the estate's original owner, William Bowers Bourn II, still produces pears with names like White Doyenne, Jargonelle, Louise Bonne d'Avranches and Duchesse d' Angouleme.
You now can mingle your favourite chews and toffees with Mini Mars Bars and Bounties, Chocolate Orange segments and Toblerone One by Ones, as well as a new retro selection of Jargonelle Pears, Shrimps and Rainbow Slices.