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also hung over or hung·o·ver (hŭng′ō′vər)
Suffering from a hangover.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


[ˌhʌŋˈəʊvəʳ] adj (fam) to be hungoveravere i postumi della sbornia
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


adj to be — tener una resaca
English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.
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The former frontman of The Jam and The Style Council has offered a support slot to the Hungover Stuntmen, a North-East band from County Durham, after hearing their demo and liking it.
Perhaps Brad and his lover, admittedly hungover from too much pride partying, stayed at one too many circuit parties too long?
ED SHEERAN has revealed he was hungover while filming his concert movie.
EMMERDALE ITV 7pm Hungover Laurel insists to Doug her drink must have been spiked, but he sees straight through her and when Marlon arrives home, it's up to Doug as to whether he reveals the truth.
Coleen says: FIRSTLY, don't confront him when he's drunk or hungover - get him on a good day and don't shout or scream - or be tempted to accuse him of being an alcoholic.
She was probably just a little hungover," the Daily Star quoted a close friend as saying.
Hollyoaks continues to hold its own in the ratings stakes, but aside from the odd hungover Sunday morning omnibus, I haven't watched it properly in years.
It suggests that the British worker spends an average of 2.5 days a year hungover on the job, with those in the North-East and South most likely to clock in a little the worse for wear.
A third of workers have thrown a "sickie" when they were too tired or hungover to face a day in the office.
Liam hid it well if he was hungover at the movie premiere on Monday night.
A third of British workers think it is all right to pull a sickie - and the top reason for doing so is because they are hungover, says research published today.
He's been driving while on drugs, going to work stoned and hungover and he's been very rude and offhand to me.