highly sensitive

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Adj.1.highly sensitive - readily affected by various agents; "a highly sensitive explosive is easily exploded by a shock"; "a sensitive colloid is readily coagulated"
sensitive - responsive to physical stimuli; "a mimosa's leaves are sensitive to touch"; "a sensitive voltmeter"; "sensitive skin"; "sensitive to light"
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References in classic literature ?
Does a passenger ever feel the life of the ship in which he is being carried like a sort of honoured bale of highly sensitive goods?
Tickling a fat toad who is not highly sensitive is an amusement that it is possible to exhaust, and Tom by and by began to look round for some other mode of passing the time.
No doubt he must have been abominably sea-sick and abominably unhappy --this soft and passionate adventurer, taken thus out of his knowledge, and feeling bitterly as he lay in his emigrant bunk his utter loneliness; for his was a highly sensitive nature.
The thing got right in among Lord Wetherby's highly sensitive ganglions like an earthquake.
Twelve districts of the province have been declared highly sensitive while 9 districts are declared sensitive.
According to the plan, 1761 Majalis will take place in entire Larkana division out of which 144 have been declared highly sensitive, 472 sensitive and 1145 as normal.
A team from Cardiff University's Institute for Compound Semiconductors (ICS) worked with collaborators to innovate an ultrafast and highly sensitive 'avalanche photodiode' (APD) that creates less electronic 'noise' than its silicon rivals.
Under the special security arrangements for the polls today, Pakistan Army troops will be deployed at highly sensitive and sensitive polling stations while CCTV cameras have also been installed to monitor sensitive polling stations.
"Healthcare companies carry not just any info, but highly sensitive private information of individuals.
Cal Microturbine, Capstone's exclusive California distributor, secured the C600S order to add to its existing C800 system to provide a total of 1.4 MW of on-site clean and green energy for the highly sensitive manufacturing process.

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