

having an active interest in one's health
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The army of restaurants promoting healthy food in Jeddah has a new addition with Leaves and Vines offering a range of options for health-conscious people looking for a fulfilling meal.
Consumer goods manufacturer Tropikal Brands Afrika has entered the flour market with a product branded Nutripro which is targeting health-conscious customers.The firm has partnered with a Rwandan-based food processing company Africa Improved Foods which is commissioned by World Food Programme to source nutritious grains from smallholder farmers of maize and millet in Kenya and other African countries for various food products.
An increasing health-conscious population also contributes to the surge in the demand for gelatin, due to its high protein content and absence of any preservatives.
The annual study now in its tenth year, found that eight in 10 health-conscious consumers want to see a natural product certification similar to the USDA organic seal.
These appliances are part of the brand's Health Zone Plus line of products that are specifically designed to cater to health-conscious consumers.
"Launches of seaweed snack products are proliferating and sales outstrip those of kale, the trendy green vegetable that has benefited from a huge degree of hype since 2010 and has been embraced by young health-conscious urban consumers," said Julian Mellentin, director of New Nutrition Business, which outlines five steps to creating a successful seaweed snack in a new report.
"This location was perfect for them with the foot traffic from the 72nd Street subway station, the commercial activity in the area, and the health-conscious residential population that frequents the nearby yoga studios, Equinox and Soul Cycle locations."
According to the study, participants who were highly health-conscious were more likely than low health-conscious people to think that the restaurant was socially responsible when it provided healthful food options.
To help bottlers offer health-conscious consumers a bold cola flavour with only half the calories, Royal Crown Cola International (RCCI), a division of Cott Beverages, recently launched RC Cola Neo, a full-flavour, mid-calorie cola, at Anuga 2013.
That's especially true among the least health-conscious people, said lead author Brenna Ellison, at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

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