health stamp

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health stamp

(Medicine) NZ a postage stamp with a surcharge that is used to support a health camp
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Governments are guilty of an own goal as none bothered to tell voters what percentage of the National Health stamp was health cover, unemployment and retirement pension.
Project: Mental Health Stamp. Watercolor, acrylic and Prismacolor[R] pencil; 9.5" x 7".
* Obtained over 400 signatures for a national mental health stamp petition.
Robbins (60), of The Deer Farm, Bakers Lane, Knowle, pleaded guilty to unlawfully removing carcasses intended for human consumption, unauthorised possession of a health stamp and unauthorised use of the stamp.
But clearly a hypothecated tax or a system of social insurance through the National Insurance system, a National Health Stamp, are the most equitable options.
The first-class Right to Health stamp features a picture of a tap.
But clearly a hypothecated tax or a system of social insurance through the National Insurance system - a National Health Stamp - are the most equitable options.
He also kept duplicate public health stamps. Public health inspectors were always given a regular cut.
Dog Licence stamps of Northern Ireland were displayed as were some National Health stamps and Irish Petty Session overprints.
He began with "Rugby" and showed the first stamps issued which illustrated the theme - the 1967 health stamps depicting a young boy with the rugby ball.
The third and last solution is to replace Medicaid with "health stamps," which would operate just like food stamps in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) but be used for primary-care purchases (pp.
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