References in classic literature ?
"If you guess wrong, you will be enslaved yourself."
'I will then give you a riddle,' he said; 'if you guess it, you shall be free and out of my power.' The dragon then flew away, and they journeyed on with their little whip.
It ain't easy to talk when your lips is like leather, but I guess I'd best let you know how the cards lie.
Wilson had his eye on Tom when he hazarded this guess, to see what effect it would produce.
He is a fresh-complexioned, middle-sized young man, not far, one would guess, from his thirtieth year.
"I am not going to guess, at five o'clock in the morning, with my brains frying and sputtering in my head.
He wanted to say: "We shall never be alone again like this." Instead, he reached down his tobacco-pouch from a shelf of the dresser, put it into his pocket and said: "I guess I can make out to be home for dinner."
It's how-de-do an' good-bye, I guess. You're a married man now, Bill, an' you got to keep regular hours.
Would he not guess the truth and possibly be already on the march to overtake and punish him?
They will treat me with more respect after to-morrow, I guess."
"I guess I won't look," remarked the shaggy man, sadly, for he didn't like his donkey head, either.
How was I, who had worked hard and read books of adventure, and who was only fifteen years old, who had not dreamed of giving the Queen of the Oyster Pirates a second thought, and who did not know that French Frank was madly and Latinly in love with her--how was I to guess that I had done him shame?