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(Palaeontology) relating to, or containing, graptolites
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Deposits are ranging from shallow-water carbonate facies in the west to deep-water graptolitic shales and cherts in the east (Wenzel 1997).
von Helmersen started his field studies of the 1838 summer in Keila-Joa and classified the "burning stone" discovered there as graptolitic argillite which had no industrial value [12].
In Tammekann's opinion, graptolitic argillite is as soft as glauconitic sand; however, to our mind, this is not correct.
Mafic volcanic rocks, minor tuff, chert, and graptolitic slate of the Balmoral Group are also present (Wilson 2000b, c).
Although a deep-water anoxic environment similar to that of the Silurian organic-rich graptolitic shales (Radkovets 2015) is not evident there, oxygen-poor environments must have existed locally.
They grade to the Aeronian graptolitic black shales with rare clayey limestones.
Late Early Silurian (Wenlockian) general circulation model--generated upwelling, graptolitic black shales, and organic-rich source rocks--An accident of plate tectonics?
The distribution of microelements in Tremadoc graptolitic argillite of Estonia.
In the Ventspils borehole section, a 1 m interlayer of nodular limestone of open shelf origin occurs at this level between basinal graptolitic argillite and clayey marlstone of the slope facies (Gailite et al.
The Dalmanitina Member, a limestone bed between the graptolitic shales, may correspond to the second major glacial episode of the Hirnantian glaciations, the mid-Hirnantian glacial episode, equivalent to the stratigraphic position of the Kuanyinchiao Bed in South China in the stratotype section of the Hirnantian Stage.
On the geochemistry of postsedimentary mineral formation in the Tremadoc graptolitic argillites of North Estonia.