grappling hook

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Noun1.grappling hook - a tool consisting of several hooks for grasping and holdinggrappling hook - a tool consisting of several hooks for grasping and holding; often thrown with a rope
crampon, crampoon - a hinged pair of curved iron bars; used to raise heavy objects
claw, hook - a mechanical device that is curved or bent to suspend or hold or pull something
tool - an implement used in the practice of a vocation
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grappling hook

, grappling iron
nHaken m, → Greifer m; (Naut) → Enterhaken m
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
References in classic literature ?
And as we laid out on the next tack to wind-ward, I bent a piece of line to a small grappling hook I had seen lying in the bail-hole.
As the craft neared the building, and just before she struck, the Martian warriors swarmed upon her from the windows, and with their great spears eased the shock of the collision, and in a few moments they had thrown out grappling hooks and the big boat was being hauled to ground by their fellows below.
The boats, in general, had to be propelled by oars and setting poles, or drawn by the hand and by grappling hooks from one root or overhanging tree to another; or towed by the long cordelle, or towing line, where the shores were sufficiently clear of woods and thickets to permit the men to pass along the banks.
It was rising at an angle of about forty-five degrees dead ahead of us, with the evident intention of combing us with grappling hooks from above as it skimmed low over our deck.
Attacker can use a grappling hook to go up hatches.
Gameplay is in the vein of Mega Man X, with non-linear levels allowing you to explore, with the proton slinger acting like a grappling hook to swing/climb/jump over things.
The venerable grappling hook is the main attraction and unique to the franchise.
So its a case of strap into your wingsuit, equip your fully customisable grappling hook, and get ready to bring the thunder!
There is a new blade that sticks out of his left glove for melee combat, the ability to swings off poles to gain distance and height and a new wall climbing mechanic in addition to a grappling hook that's attached to the double barrel shotgun.
A DANGEROUS robber broke his leg escaping from a Teesside jail using a grappling hook - because he did not like being in an open prison.
And that information likely will prove vital for cutting the rope on the virus' grappling hook.