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[ˌfɔːˈlegɪd] ADJ [animal] → cuadrúpedo
our four-legged friends (hum) → nuestros amigos cuadrúpedos (hum)
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
References in classic literature ?
"A gentleman, that Terrence, and a four-legged proper man.
Like a lioness, when the cook-boy had struck him with a stick to drive him out of the kitchen, had Biddy sprung upon the black, receiving without wince or whimper one straight blow from the stick, and then downing him and mauling him among his pots and pans until dragged (for the first time snarling) away by the unchiding Mister Haggin, who; however, administered sharp words to the cook- boy for daring to lift hand against a four-legged dog belonging to a god.
Once, even, had there been an eruption of strange four-legged, horned and hairy creatures, the images of which, registered in his brain, would have been identifiable in the brains of humans with what humans worded "goats."
He was induced to this by the report of the hostler, who said that the horse which Mr Maclachlan had hired from Worcester would be much more pleased with returning to his friends there than to prosecute a long journey; for that the said horse was rather a two-legged than a four-legged animal.
The festival runs from July 4-7, tickets priced from PS35 for a day, and PS99 for the weekend, available from tickets/worldwide FUN FOR FOUR-LEGGED FRIENDS GET the ruff guide to the New Forest at the first festival for our four-legged friends.
The festival runs from July 4-7, tickets priced from PS35 for a day, and PS99 for the weekend, available from FUN FOR FOUR-LEGGED FRIENDS GET the ruff guide to the New Forest at the first festival for our four-legged friends.
REMARKABLE: Paleontologists unearthed fossils of a four-legged amphibious whale that lived during the Eocene period in what is now Peru.
Summary: TEHRAN (FNA)- Cetaceans, the group including whales and dolphins, originated in south Asia more than 50 million years ago from a small, four-legged, hoofed ancestor.
"This is the most complete specimen ever found for a four-legged whale outside of India and Pakistan," Dr Olivier Lambert, a scientist at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences and co-author of the study, said.
Paleontologists have found a well-preserved fossil of a four-legged amphibian ancestor of whales, a discovery that sheds new light on the mammals' transition from land to the ocean.
Four-legged friends can Walk and Give (WAG) for the charity anytime, anywhere - all they need is you.