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Related to fouled: fouled up


adj. foul·er, foul·est
a. Offensive to the senses; revolting: "a foul little creature with greedy eyes and slobbering mouth" (J.R.R. Tolkien).
b. Having a bad odor or taste: foul breath; food that tasted foul.
c. Rotten or putrid: foul meat.
a. Containing dirt, impurities, or other foreign matter; foul water.
b. Clogged or bestrewn with unwanted material: The bay is foul with old sunken vessels.
c. Overgrown or encrusted with weeds, barnacles, or other organisms. Used of a ship's bottom.
d. Entangled or enwrapped: a foul anchor.
a. Morally detestable; wicked: foul deeds.
b. Vulgar or obscene: foul language.
c. Violating accepted standards or rules; dishonorable: used foul means to gain power.
a. Very disagreeable or displeasing; horrid: a foul movie.
b. Inclement or unfavorable: in fair weather or foul.
c. Irritable or upset: in a foul mood.
a. Sports Contrary to the rules of a game or sport: a foul boxing punch.
b. Baseball Outside the foul lines: a foul fly ball.
6. Marked with editorial changes or corrections: foul copy.
7. Archaic Ugly; unattractive.
1. Abbr. F
a. Sports An infraction or a violation of the rules of play.
b. Baseball A foul ball.
2. An entanglement or a collision.
3. An instance of clogging or obstructing.
4. A foul copy of a document.
In a foul manner.
v. fouled, foul·ing, fouls
1. To make dirty or foul; pollute. See Synonyms at contaminate.
2. To bring into dishonor; besmirch.
3. To clog or obstruct.
4. To entangle or catch (a rope, for example).
5. To encrust (a ship's hull) with foreign matter, such as barnacles.
a. Sports To commit a foul against.
b. Baseball To hit (a ball) outside the foul lines.
1. To become foul.
a. Sports To commit a foul.
b. Baseball To hit a ball outside the foul lines: fouled twice and then struck out; fouled out to the catcher.
3. To become entangled or twisted: The anchor line fouled on a rock.
4. To become clogged or obstructed.
Phrasal Verbs:
foul out
Sports To be put out of a game for exceeding the number of permissible fouls.
foul up
To blunder or cause to blunder because of mistakes or poor judgment.

[Middle English, from Old English fūl; see pū̆- in Indo-European roots.]

foul′ly adv.
foul′ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.fouled - made dirty or foulfouled - made dirty or foul; "a building befouled with soot"; "breathing air fouled and darkened with factory soot"
dirty, soiled, unclean - soiled or likely to soil with dirt or grime; "dirty unswept sidewalks"; "a child in dirty overalls"; "dirty slums"; "piles of dirty dishes"; "put his dirty feet on the clean sheet"; "wore an unclean shirt"; "mining is a dirty job"; "Cinderella did the dirty work while her sisters preened themselves"
2.fouled - especially of a ship's lines etcfouled - especially of a ship's lines etc; "with its sails afoul"; "a foul anchor"
tangled - in a confused mass; "pushed back her tangled hair"; "the tangled ropes"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
West Ham manager Manuel Pellegrini, whose only newsworthy soundbites in his three years at the Etihad were a rant about a Swedish referee that he later apologised for and confusingly announcing his departure from the club, chose his post-match press conference on Saturday to say that his team hadn't been able to create any chances because Pep Guardiola's side had fouled them 'tactically'.
Cannock resident Maureen Smith was caught by a member of the public after one of her dogs fouled on a football pitch.
More importantly, was Jio Jalalon fouled when he missed an easy undergoal stab?
We all know that fouls are used to break up play and to disrupt the rhythm of a team and you'd think the team with the arguably the most talented squad in the Premier League inManchester Citywould be fouled the most.
However, many longer-range target shooters don't clean their barrels nearly as frequently because they've found "fouled" barrels result in lower muzzle velocity variations, which is more important at several hundred yards than groups a fraction of an inch smaller at 100 yards.
In both studies of (Charles and Johnson 2008) and (Crawford and da Silva 2014), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis was used to compare fresh and fouled membranes, and deposits were observed in the fouled membranes.
He does get fouled but most-fouled lists can be artificial - someone has to be top and bottom.
Gers boss Steven Gerrard claimed Ryan Jack was fouled before Olivier Ntcham's strike and blamed ref Willie Collum for his side's defeat.
Tests will be conducted on used condensers, and on new condensers that will be fouled using a synthesized test dust.
James complained about being fouled twice by Durant on late drives to the basket that were not whistled as violations, leading to the Warriors taking over the ball and the Cavaliers unable to reach the free throw line down the stretch.
As an example, the mold fouling phenomenon is shown in figure 1, where a clean grit blasted steel coupon was fouled after accelerated exposure to outgassing from adhesive and rubber, then bonding to the mold surface.
ROSS BARKLEY has been one of the most fouled players in the Premier League this season.