foot and mouth disease

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foot and mouth disease

n. fiebre aftosa, enfermedad viral propia de animales vacunos y equinos, y raramente trasmitida al ser humano; se caracteriza por la erupción de pequeñas vesículas en la lengua, la boca y los dedos de las manos y pies.
English-Spanish Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012
References in periodicals archive ?
Hand, foot and mouth disease: spatiotemporal transmission and climate.
Hand, foot and mouth disease is easily passed on to other people, and it spreads in coughs, sneezes and poo.
The Jalsa is supposed to be held in the village on February 21.The villagers were excited about the upcoming event but the sudden attack of the foot and mouth disease has worried them.The affected farmers said they kept on calling the veterinary officer but he did not pay heed to their requests.
The Pathogenesis of Foot and Mouth Disease I: Viral Pathways in Cattle.
The Ministry has taken several measures during the last five years to prevent cattle diseases including bird flu, foot and mouth disease.
Perhaps understandably, telling a parent that their child has hand, foot and mouth disease often results in a slightly anxious expression.
"We have invited a group of experts from the European Union to prove that there is no cases of foot and mouth disease in Turkey.
PARENTS are being warned to be vigilant after two outbreaks of hand, foot and mouth disease in city schools in the past month.
An additional case of foot and mouth disease (FMD) was discovered Sunday at a cow farm north of Seoul, South Korea, it was revealed here.
A trio of nursery children at John Shelton Primary School have been diagnosed with hand foot and mouth disease in the last fortnight.