Foot bank

(Fort.) a raised way within a parapet.
- Farrow.

See also: Foot

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
A terrified driver escaped from his sinking car which careered off the road and plunged into the water of a Fenland drainage ditch at Sixteen Foot Bank near March, Cambs.
The inquest heard their truck plummeted down a six foot bank, overturned and landed on its roof in an irrigation channel, trapping them inside.
The inquest heard the Pinz Gauer vehicle they were travelling in plummeted down a six foot bank, overturned and landed on its roof in an irrigation channel, trapping them inside.
* A new mortgage for $2,200,000 on a 9,000 square foot Bank Branch on Halstead Avenue in Harrison, NY.
Located in one of the strongest central business districts in South Florida, the nearly 110,000 square foot Bank of America Tower is one of Boca's premier office buildings.