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(flʊˈɛlən) or


1. (Plants) either of two weedy scrophulariaceous annuals related to the toadflaxes, round-leaved fluellen (Kickxia spuria) and sharp-leaved fluellen (K. elatine)
2. (Plants) obsolete any of several speedwells, esp Veronica officinalis
[C16: shortened from Welsh Ilysiau Llewelyn Llewelyn's flower]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Morgan Manasa is the stalwart Fluellen, a proud Welshman and captain in Henry's army, and Lydia Berger Gray plays the Chorus, who Rice conceives as an overly ebullient tour guide leading camera-toting, souvenir-shopping vacationers on a sightseeing trip to historic European sites.
When: Until Saturday, May 25 (it opens on Tuesday, May 21) Where: Swansea Grand Theatre, Singleton Street, Swansea, SA1 3QJ Guided tour: Dylan's Swansea Be a part of Fluellen Theatre Co.'s lively and entertaining performancebased guided tour of Dylan's central Swansea.
Here, although Hawkes agrees that the putatively "Welsh" character of Fluellen is a "demeaning confection" (20) that mainly serves to underwrite a colonizing position in which the English monarchy insists that "To be 'English,' and a participant in that world, is ...
If you would like more information please contact Michael Fluellen at 844.800.2328 or email info@nureel.com.
Fluellen (the incomparable Joshua Richards) bashing Pistol over the head with a leek or spitting frustration as Bardolph took the audience along with him.
In addition, the science teacher should assess students using a task or a problem; this enables the student to perform tasks and avoid the constraints of traditional assessment (Fluellen, 2003; Harris, 2005).
The consistent appeal of the Chorus to every gentleman of the audience, from inns-of-court students to ranking soldiers (Captains Fluellen, MacMorris, and Jamy are all called "gentlemen" [3.2.22; 3.3.12,72; 5.1.66]), involves his using his imagination to amplify the relatively bare stage and the play's properties and to picture vividly its actors.
Mosley, Jason Jones and Andre Fluellen to choose from as starters.
DETROIT LIONS -- Released G Rodney Austin, LB Shamari Benton, WR Kris Durham, WR Patrick Edwards, TE Michael Egnew, DT Andre Fluellen, CB Chris Greenwood, FB Emil Igwengu, LB Brandon Hepburn, C Darren Keyton, RB Mikel Leshoure, WR Andrew Peacock, DT Xavier Proctor, S Nate Ness, G Garrett Reynolds, DT Jimmy Saddler-McQueen, CB Mohammed Seisay, LB Julian Stanford, TE Jordan Thompson, DE Darryl Tapp, OT Michael Williams and RB George Winn.
As zealous Welshman Fluellen, Matt Ryan takes a usually one-note, long-winded role and gives it range and depth.
The analogue is referred to as the base, and the abstract concept, to be understood, is referred to as the target (Fluellen, 2007; Genter, 1983).