flue gas

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flue gas

(General Engineering) the smoke in the uptake of a boiler fire: it consists mainly of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen
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The humidity ratio of the flue gas exhausted by the gas-fired boilers can be up to 120 g/kg or even higher.
However, it's also important to address other vital criteria, such as emissions and energy efficiency Flue gas recirculation, electronic cam control and variable speed drives can all play a key role in achieving the desired performance.
Fuel nitrogen oxides emissions can be reduced by flue gas cleaning or by influencing the combustion process directly [1].
The flue gas released from Klemetsrud contains about 10% C[O.sub.2] and is treated in several steps before it enters the mobile unit.
Flue gas desulfurization (FGD) is a technology which removes sulphur dioxide (SO2) from the flue gas emitted from fossil-fuel power plants prior to its release into the atmosphere.
[ClickPress, Mon Apr 13 2015] Asia Pacific Flue Gas Desulphurization Market By Type (Wet FGD & Dry FGD), By Application (Power Generation, Chemical, Cement Manufacture, Iron and Steel & Others), By Countries - Regional Trend & Forecast to 2019
One of the efficient energy saving technologies is the recovery of the low-grade flue gas heat.
The system will capture CO2 from flue gas from an existing coal-fired power generation plant and will have a CO2 capture capacity of 4,776 metric tons per day (mtpd).
ANDRITZ has received an order from Jyvaskyla Energy Group to deliver new flue gas cleaning equipment and upgrade the bubbling fluidised bed boiler at the Rauhalahti site, Finland.
In this study the flue gas from distillation unit75 of Abadan refinery was treated by corona discharge to remove SO2 and NOx.