fellow traveler

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fellow traveler

One who sympathizes with or supports the tenets and program of an organized group, such as the Communist Party, without being a member.

[Translation of Russian poputchik : po, on, along + put', path + -chik, n. suff.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

fel′low trav′eler

a person who supports or sympathizes with a group or party, esp. a Communist Party, but is not a member.
[1935–40; translation of Russian popútchik]
fel′low-trav′eling, adj.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.fellow traveler - a communist sympathizer (but not a member of the Communist Party)
well-wisher, sympathiser, sympathizer - someone who shares your feelings or opinions and hopes that you will be successful
2.fellow traveler - a traveler who accompanies you
traveler, traveller - a person who changes location
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
So he walked forward to the tree, but just as he came under the first branches they bent down and twined around him, and the next minute he was raised from the ground and flung headlong among his fellow travelers.
The scout directed Heyward and his disconsolate fellow travelers to seat themselves in the forward end of the canoe, and took possession of the other himself, as erect and steady as if he floated in a vessel of much firmer materials.
Perhaps the most disappointing outcome is the narrow reelection of Iowa's Steve King, Congress' resident open white nationalist who has gone out of his way in recent years to prove to voters that he is a fellow traveler of anti-Semitic far-right parties.
By contrast, each time we smile at someone on the street, each time we extend a caring hand to a fellow traveler in distress, we move--all of us--toward that light which illuminates the moment with love.
Bill Deaver, TOTE, was on a flight to Alaska recently when a fellow traveler remarked that the field is in great shape!
IN 1968 HENRI LEFEBVRE, former fellow traveler of the Situationists and occasional muse to the students of the May uprisings in Paris, wrote in Everyday Life in the Modern World, "A pure (formal) space defines the world of terror.
Huntington concludes his book with a "Postscript" that enlists Aemilia Lanyer as a potentially prophetic fellow traveler during a time in which James I "close [d] down" the "utopian promise" that Huntington thinks Chapman and others "envision[ed]" (147).
The words of poet Robert Frost come to mind: "if design govern in a thing so small"; can it be the design of providence that, as one follows an aimless path, one is accosted by a fellow traveler with the stretched and haggard look unique to the smoke-deprived?
Smooth-it-away, a friendly fellow traveler, comments contemptuously about the arduous trip the old-fashioned pilgrims had to undergo.
Last night, however, progressive activist Linda Sarsour remarkably accused Tapper of "join[ing] the ranks of the alt-right," recasting one of the movement's chief victims as a fellow traveler:
Bob Arnot, the star of Doctor Danger, recalls a trip on Emirates Airlines where he administered to a fellow traveler. Dec 26, 2007

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