fellow man

fellow man

also fel·low·man (fĕl′ō-măn′)
A kindred human being.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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--to do to my fellow man what I would have my fellow man to do to me -- that is the will of God.
'Without more directly referring to any latent ability that may possibly exist on my part, of wielding the thunderbolt, or directing the devouring and avenging flame in any quarter, I may be permitted to observe, in passing, that my brightest visions are for ever dispelled - that my peace is shattered and my power of enjoyment destroyed - that my heart is no longer in the right place - and that I no more walk erect before my fellow man. The canker is in the flower.
He could think of but a single glaring fact--they had killed a fellow man, and they were among savage strangers, thirsting for the blood of the first victim whom fate cast into their clutches.
The blood of a fellow man was upon his hands--in his morbid reflections he had long since ceased to attribute the death of Condon to the ape.
Prior to capitalism, the way individuals amassed great wealth was by looting, plundering and enslaving their fellow man. With the rise of capitalism, it became possible to amass great wealth by serving and pleasing your fellow man.
Summary: London [UK], August 24 (ANI): England Test skipper Joe Root and his fellow man Jos Buttler have signed up for the Big Bash League (BBL) franchise, Sydney Thunder ahead of the upcoming season of the Australian professional T20 cricket league.The Englishmen will be available for seven games before heading to face West Indies in January.
You have to stay true to what you believe, and I believe in service to my fellow man. All of this came about because when I moved here as a long-haired hippie, barefoot and carrying kids on my hip, the old people of this wonderful area took one look and said, "You are who you show us, not what you look like.
Through his vision and determination and humanity to his fellow man, he gave us the National Health Service, someone who by his actions has saved hundreds of thousands of lives, perhaps millions of lives in the last 70 years, from premature babies to people with life-threatening illnesses.
Darkness and evil will towards fellow man continue to grow because of the failure of religious and pro-life leaders and SI hopes to see Latino Leadership arise from the broken pro-life movement as they continue to support politicians like Donald Trump who use dehumanizing and derogatory remarks about fellow mankind.
All of us have a great capacity within us to bestow happiness on our fellow Man, which will flourish from blessedness shared by the giver and receiver.
GEORGE Michael bemoans a generation who "never look at what they're doing to their fellow man" in his final interview, recorded just weeks before he died, which will be broadcast on Radio 2.
This is by treating one's fellow man as no different from one's self, and by doing good to your neighbor without seeking fame or praise.

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