dum-dum bullet

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dum-dum bullet

[ˌdʌmdʌmˈbʊlɪt] Nbala f dum-dum
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005
References in periodicals archive ?
The PPC said that Minor Issa al-Ma'ati, 13, who is currently receiving treatment at Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem, was shot by the Israeli forces with a dum-dum bullet in his leg on September 18, 2015, WAFA reported.
PPC said that Minor Issa al-Maati, 13, who is currently receiving treatment at Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem, was shot by Israeli forces with a dum-dum bullet in his leg on September 18, 2015.
He won the Military Medal and was wounded when a dum-dum bullet went through his wrist.
The "evil dum-dum bullet" argument does get used by prosecutors and plaintiffs' lawyers alike, whether out of deception or cluelessness.
4) The dum-dum bullet, which broke apart in the human body and contravened The Hague convention.
Piper Findlay fell with a dum-dum bullet in his leg and lay stretched out piping his men forward.
There was shock in court as it emerged that Pistorius, 27, had been using the Black Talon bullet, similar to the expanding dum-dum bullet. Prof Saayman said it was designed to "penetrate and thenb "mushroom...
But it was Finn, the four-year-old European brown bear, who ended up fighting for life after being shot by police using a dum-dum bullet - the kind that shatters on impact.
Stephen, who was lucky to survive the UVF ambush after being seriously injured by a dum-dum bullet, thanked everyone who looked after him as he recovered from his injuries back in 1975.
Stephen was lucky to survive after being seriously hurt by a dum-dum bullet. He said yesterday: "I spent a lot of time in Daisy Hill Hospital and was looked after by doctors and nurses from Banbridge and Newry.
The theory has a hole the size of a dum-dum bullet. For, if every student on campus had a weapon, then every nutcase would be able to go on the rampage whenever he got a C minus for Domestic Science.
Steve Bowman, 38, was almost shot by police after waving a rifle loaded with a dum-dum bullet in a late-night clash in Easterhouse, Glasgow.