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a.1.Pertaining to, or set with, briers or bushes; brambly.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Rukia Nuno, who has a two-week-old infant, Dumal Haji Osman and Hassan Borow Khamis were, however, not charged.
The 12 scholarships of $1,500 each were awarded to Memorial employees: Christina Barnes, RN, Cardiac Cath Lab; Faith Anne Crosby, RN, Intensive Care Unit Lauren Dumal, CAT Scan Technologist Diagnostic Imaging; Hallee Killeen, Multi Skilled Technician, PCU/ICU; Charlene Lathan, Educator, Medical Surgical Unit; Mia Pham, Technician, Pharmacy; Laura Rogers, RN, Intensive Care Unit; Tiffany Sanders, RN, Intensive Care Unit; Crystal Stafford, RN, Intensive Care Unit; Jessica Stein, Technician, Cardiology Ultrasound; Laura Stevens, RN, Intensive Care Unit; and William Wicks, Medical Lab Technician, Laboratory.
On the mythopoetic level, however (and this is the level on which Pushkin treats his subject), tsar is elevated to divinity, a creator-god possessed of a creative impulse whose very articulation in thought ("I dumal on") appears to bring it to fruition in the very next stanza.
Manjula Nivanthi and Dumal Warnakulasuriya, up and coming artists with performances in the number one reality show Sirasa Super Star, will be also joining Nirosha to make the celebration a memorable event.
In his song "Smut" the American musical satirist Tom Lehrer observes, "When correctly viewed, / Ev'rything is lewd, / I could tell you things about Peter Pan, / And the Wizard of Oz, / There's a dirty old man!" Elisabeth Ladenson, in her study Dirt for Art's Sake, examines the cases of seven famous literary works which ran afoul of the authorities for their presumed lewdness in their own time but which are now viewed, correctly or not, as tolerably "clean": Flaubert's Madame Bovary, Baudelaire's Fleurs duMal, Joyce's Ulysses, Radclyffe Hall's The Well of Loneliness, Henry Miller's Tropic of Cancer, Nabokov's Lolita, and D.
Louis Dumal, the young Haitian program manager for Meds and Food for Kids, a St.
This line is carried even further by Denis Fonvizin in 1777, who expresses genuine disenchantment with various aspects of his trip to Europe: "Ia dumal sperva, chto Frantsiia, po rasskazam, zemnoi rai, no oshibilsia zhestoko" (I thought, at first, that France, according to the stories, was an earthly heaven, but I was cruelly mistaken) (423), he complains in his "Pis' ma iz vtorovo zagranichnego puteshestviia" ("Letters from the Second Journey Abroad").
La vision tragique desGrecs a l'egard duMal, explique Corey, celle qui oblige le public a confronter << les aspects les plus repugnants de la condition humaine >>, etait d'une importance cruciale dans la genese du theatre en Occident et pourrait servir a nous rappeler que, si un univers tragique ne peut nous offrir une solution definitive au probleme du Mal, il peut nous aider a le tenir au loin.
Individual words and more extended sections are analysed in depth so as to illuminate Les Fleurs dumal as a whole.
On osibsja v nej [approximately equal to] On naprasno dumal o nej tak, kak on dumal, lit.
(19) Aleksandr Kushner, "Ia smotrel na poeta dumal: Schast'e," in his Stikhotvoreniia: Chetyre desiatiletiia, p.
We recall that Zhukovsky had linked the expression on the angel's face with Raphael's own at the moment of inspiration: "vazhnaia, glubokaia mysl' tsarstvuet na mladencheskom litse--ne takov li byl i Rafael' v to vremia, kogda on dumal o svoei Madonne?" Raphael's inspiration is what adds particular weight to the "zadumchivye glaza" of the angel in Zhukovsky's essay.