du jour

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Related to du jour: plat du jour

du jour

(də zho͝or′, do͞o)
1. Prepared for a given day: The soup du jour is cream of potato.
2. Most recent; current: the trend du jour.

[French : du, of the + jour, day.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

du jour

(duː ˈʒɔː; French dy ʒur)
(postpositive) informal currently very fashionable or popular: the young writer du jour.
[C20: from French, literally: of the day (as used on restaurant menus of items that change daily)]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

du jour

(də ˈʒʊər, du)
1. as prepared or served on the particular day: soup du jour.
2. fashionable; current: issues du jour.
[< French]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Archer rose with a murmur of readiness, and she seated herself at old Catherine's rosewood "Bonheur du Jour," and wrote out the message in her large immature hand.
6-Un Messager : Un autre trotteur de metier, qui va etre egalement etre servi par les conditions de la course du jour et qui devrait logiquement terminer dans la bonne combinaison.
Restaurateur Sondra Bernstein and chef John Toulze cull dishes from this effort to provide Plats Du Jour: The Girl & the Fig's Journey Through the Seasons in Wine Country, a visual exploration that reflects their interest in Sonoma County cuisine.
The pair of Jenner teenagers recently appeared in a Du Jour magazine spread for fall and a sneak peek of the photos has been shared on social media.
BRILLIANT sprinting mare Belle du Jour again showed her liking for Flemington's straight six-furlong track by winning the A$1 million Group 1 Newmarket Handicap on Saturday - and may now be on her way to John Hammond in France.
The Ile-aux-Coudres trilogy, composed of Pour la suite du monde (1963), Le Regne du jour (1968) and Les Voitures d'eau (1969), is perhaps Perrault's best-known body of work, and his earliest in the medium of film.
In August 1991, New Hampshire-based Elkin Coffee, makers of the Cafe du Jour brand, came to Lapham/Miller Associates with a broad assignment and an exciting new concept: develop fresh packaging for their signature blends and 13 new breakfast and dessert coffees, and use "time-of-day" as a marketing concept.
GOLDEN SLIPPER winner Belle du Jour returned to racing with a first-up win over five furlongs at Randwick on Saturday, writes Syd Brennan.
2- Draa Erih Mansour : Theoriquement, si l'on tient compte de ses dernieres performances et plus particulierement la derniere realisee dans un lot plus releve que celui du jour, il devrait en toute logique fournir le gagnant de l'epreuve du jour.
Fort de cette performance et a son aise sur le parcours du jour, il devrait continuer sur sa lancee.
1-Ras el Mel : Ce coursier, rompu a ce genre d'epreuves et confie a la fine cravache Ys.Badaoui, devrait sur le parcours du jour realiser une belle performance dans un lot qui reste des plus ouverts de par sa composante.
1-My rock : Confie a l'excellent jockey, Az.Athmana, ce hongre bai de 5 ans, qui s'est deja place sur la distance du jour, ce qui est la un avantage certain, s'elancera avec de serieuses ambitions pour ameliorer son dernier classement ou il a termine septieme sur 2 000 Metres.