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a person who drives while under the influence of alcohol
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If you're using a mobile phone at the wheel you could be more dangerous than a drink-driver.
THE mum of a teenager killed by a drink-driver has spoken of her pain.
A WIRRAL man will run two-and-a-half marathons and a triathlon in memory of his sister-in-law and nephew who were killed by a drink-driver.
In North Yorkshire, a combined police and fire brigade campaign will graphically hammer home the consequences of a car smash involving a drink-driver.
In a message posted on its official Twitter feed, the CMPG said: "Have arrested our first drink-driver of 2014 at four minutes past midnight.
A DRINK-driver was arrested while nearly seven times the limit, shocking figures revealed yesterday.
Sheriff Robert McCreadie failed to impose a mandatory three-year minimum ban on two-time drink-driver Daniel Peach at Perth Sheriff Court on Wednesday, as highlighted by the Record.
Now Calderdale Council has teamed up with the police to urge people who know a drink-driver to 'dob them in' to police and save other people from having a tragic Christmas.
campaign comes as statistics showed weekends are the most likely time for someone to be hit by a drink-driver.
Under a Privilege proposal, recently submitted to MPs and backed by 55 per cent of drivers surveyed, the fitting of a breath-testing device - or "alcolock" - to the ignition of a convicted drink-driver's vehicle would be compulsory for a minimum of six months following the completion of a ban for drink-driving.
'It is quite comical until you hammer home the message that if a drink-driver is coming towards you they will be so incapable that they will try and avoid the imaginary person in their sight and hit the real one.
He also wants more research on the process used to decide if a banned drink-driver can regain a licence and the possibility of seizing vehicles belonging to irresponsible drivers.