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(Automotive Engineering) a force produced by air resistance plus gravity that increases the stability of an aircraft or motor vehicle by pressing it downwards
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The spoiler and splitter generate 50% more downforce The Porsche does this for you automatically but you can turn the system off and do it yourself.
Thanks to the uniquely engineered design of a Kongsberg table, it is possible to exercise an unrivalled 50kg of downforce on corrugated materials from single to triple wall, without compromising speed or quality.
The vehicle is based on the R8 Spyder and features a front splitter, large rear diffusers and a huge rear wing to apply downforce.
No major technical modifications were necessary aside from the inclusion of M Carbon Ceramic Brakes, an FIA-approved roll bar, a front splitter and a rear wing for additional downforce.
Every millimetre counts for the Mustang Shelby GT500 to deliver on downforce, braking and cooling targets.
The scope available for change at the rear of the car is much more limited dimensionally, but the rear wings will become taller, wider and simpler, which makes more surface area available to generate downforce but also changes the ratio of the main plane and top flap, increasing the strength of DRS thanks to the consequent increase in drag.
GRIP Combat Racing's best feature is your car's ridiculous downforce, enabling races to span ceilings or walls for a thrilling sense of high-speed vertigo.
The main goal in design was a significant downforce improvement compared to the previous Aventador SV: +40% on both axles with an improved drag coefficient -1%.
Meanwhile, Axios is reporting that Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein may be resigning, which could complicate the Russian investigation and fallout -- causing some chop in stocks and perhaps adding some downforce on yields.
The Austrian owned team are known to have best chassis on the grid and are always competitive on circuits that require high downforce and those that are not power sensitive.