district court judge

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district court judge

(Law) Austral and NZ a judge presiding over a lower court. Former name: magistrate
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Sarlahi District Court Judge Rajesh Kumar Kaphle has been recommended as judge of Surkhet High Court.
" The District Court judge had already made a factual finding that '[the chief] believes that at this time the petitioner is unsuitable because of this risk given the fraudulent nature of the charges, the extent of the prior addiction, and the short period of time that has [e]lapsed from the time of the charges/addiction to today.'
30 picked 7th District Court Judge Gregory Moeller of Rexburg to fill a vacancy on the court left by the retirement of Justice Joel Horton.
Slieter, an 8th District Court Judge from Renville County, has been appointed the 7th Congressional District's judge on the Minnesota Court of Appeals.
A district court judge is under investigation for allegedly tampering with court transcripts, it emerged this week.
District Court Judge Brian Morris ruled for the Indigenous Environmental Network and other plaintiffs, ordering the review of a revised pipeline route through Nebraska to supplement one the department did on the original path in 2014.
ONE district court judge has claimed an average of a [euro]1,000 a week in expenses so far this year.
Morrissey, chief district court judge, will have a salary boost to $168,633.
A federal district court judge in Oakland, California, U.S.
Mohammad Irshad stenographer of civil judge Court No-II Muzaffarabad has been transferred to Additional District Court Judge, Family Judge Muzaffarabad as a stenographer and Amir Hafeez stenographer has been transferred from the court of Additional District and Session Judge, Family Judge District Muzaffarabad to the court of Civil Judge, court No.II Muzaffarabad.

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