distributor cap

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Noun1.distributor cap - the cap of the distributor that holds in place the wires from the distributor to the spark plugs
cap - something serving as a cover or protection
electrical distributor, distributer, distributor - electrical device that distributes voltage to the spark plugs of a gasoline engine in the order of the firing sequence
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References in periodicals archive ?
The first race was for the Gordon Ross Memorial trophy and the grid was a closed one with Jonathan Howe on pole position with Leon Stewart alongside and double winner James Gray on row three, Gray had problems as the grid was being formed and had to replace a distributor cap before the car would run.
This car has an old-fashioned distributor cap and rotor.
"His distributor cap went which meant he could only go at 30 miles an hour," she said.
This is rounded out to make room for the distributor cap. By the hood and grill style I would say this UTS was probably built around 1951.
Paul Rudy, another commissioner, poked around and realized somebody had reconfigured the wires in our distributor cap."
Upon inspection, brass-colored metal shavings were observed under the distributor cap and near the gear.