distant early warning

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distant early warning

(Military) a US radar detection system to warn of missile attack. See also DEW line
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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Radar outposts composing the Distant Early Warning Line were strung out along the fringes of the Arctic Circle to watch for incoming missiles, while airbases dotting the landscape housed American aircraft.
Along the way, his narrative illustrates the role played by the Cold War-era Distant Early Warning Line and other northern infrastructure, the crucial importance of his pioneering aerial photography, the unpredictable nature of planes, helicopters, and radios in Arctic regions, and of course, the vast and breathtaking scenery of the North.
was in the process of building the Distant Early Warning (DEW) and Pinetree Lines of radars to protect North America from Soviet aggression.
To my surprise, four deer silently walked straight toward me, just 20 yards away, hardly rustling the dry leaves that are usually my distant early warning system.
He also wrote a book called The Dew Line Doctor (Distant Early Warning) under a pen name Gareth Howerd, about radar stations in the Arctic set up to detect Soviet bombers during the Cold War."
Stretching more than 3000 miles from Alaska to Greenland along the 69th parallel, the Distant Early Warning (DEW) Line was a tremendous feat of geographical engineering that re-shaped the North American Arctic.
The editors make good use of individual contributors' expertise in covering the history of bistatic and multistatic radar systems, Fluttar distant early warning (DEW)-line gap-filler radar, missile attack warning applications, planetary exploration, air surveillance, ionospheric measurements and wind measurements.
From the spine-tingling first riff of Limelight to Digital Man, Entre Nous, Mission and Distant Early Warning, the set was a fine snapshot of Rush's finest moments; deciding what to play and what to leave out must be a nice headache to have these days.
The Distant Early Warning (DEW) Line was designed and built during the height of the Cold War as the primary line of air defence against invasion of the North American continent over the North Pole.
As the flocks of virus-laden turkeys cruise over the North Sea they will be picked up by the Distant Early Warning, (DEW) radar at RAF Boulmer.