digital display

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Related to digital display: Digital signage
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: display - a display that gives the information in the form of characters (numbers or letters)digital display - a display that gives the information in the form of characters (numbers or letters)
digital voltmeter - an electronic voltmeter that gives readings in digits
digital watch - a watch with a digital display
video display, display - an electronic device that represents information in visual form
LED, light-emitting diode - diode such that light emitted at a p-n junction is proportional to the bias current; color depends on the material used
LCD, liquid crystal display - a digital display that uses liquid crystal cells that change reflectivity in an applied electric field; used for portable computer displays and watches etc.
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
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Although the company is low-tech, our nominating committee drew up specifications highlighting the desire for someone with a cutting-edge understanding of the digital display market, a potential new area of opportunity for our company's traditional sign and display business.
The practical implication of these findings is that one should not always necessarily conclude that a digital display is a better choice than a dial display.
During 1994, digital display units continued their dominance as the most popular type of pager.
ISM Connect an integrated 360[degree sign] engagement platform between digital displays and mobile devices to enhance consumer engagement at the venue and beyond.
“The ability to integrate Moki technology with Outform's Pulse technology (“Moki Pulse”) provides a powerful solution to visual merchandisers seeking a quick ROI as they manage digital displays in a complex retail environment.
Series F6700 and F6750 digital displays accept 4-20 mA signal from their series F6301 pressure sensors.
M2 EQUITYBITES-June 1, 2016-CIVIQ Smartscapes Acquires Canadian Digital Display Firm
subsidiary is a global manufacturer of leading digital display mounting, furniture, and mobility products that have been improving the human interface with digital displays for over 30 years.
Temecula, CA, April 30, 2014 --( Drivers in Murrieta, California along Interstate 15 near Interstate 215 in are receiving a whole new experience these days thanks to a new full-color, high brightness LED digital display sign capable of delivering targeted advertising messages.
According to the company, the agreement will introduce a new digital display program that includes LCD screens as a strategic update to the airport's advertising program.
For in addition to the chronograph and also the perpetual calendar, it now has a large format date and month shown in digital form, plus a digital display of the four yearly leap year cycle.

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