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(Broadcasting) trademark a device which converts the signals from a digital television broadcast into a form which can be viewed on a standard television set
[C20: from digi(tal) (sense 3) + box1]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The 'adVice Ko Si Monsour' program can be watched or listened to on Radyo Inquirer 990AM and Inquirer 990TV on digibox every Thursday evening from 7 to 8 p.m.
From April 2018 up to this month we have been getting stiffed neck looking up every pole that has installation of Digibox to check whether a number series has already been inscribed.
Easy TV is a "super digibox" offering 15 premium local and international channels that provide multi-genre programming ranging from general entertainment and kids, music and sports, to travel and lifestyle, among others.
Solar Digital Media, a subsidiary of Tieng-led media company Solar Entertainment Corp., has expanded its space in the digital terrestrial television arena with the launch of a new digibox for homes.
The last person to be prosecuted for fly-tipping in the borough had left soil, paperwork and a TV digibox in Reddish Vale Country Park.
Loot including an iPad, DVD and CD players and a digibox carrying Embleton's fingerprints were found outside the home.
Boddy also had with him a stolen digibox, remote, cable and adaptor.
Awfully nice girl at Sky help desk recommends I switch the system off for two minutes and rub the digibox card vigorously.
Voisey only need set his digibox to keep a copy of his big day for posterity.
The man who reads the electric meter and the Sky technician who came to fix my digibox last week could report me to the police for subjecting them to second-hand smoke, if they felt like it.
Father Brown (BBC1, 2.10pm) If you work, set your digibox to record this 10-part crime drama series starring former Fast Show star Mark Williams as an inquisitive vicar who takes it upon himself to solve all manner of misdemeanours.