die stamping

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die stamping

(Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) the production of words or decoration on a surface by using a steel die so that the printed images stand in relief
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Die Stamping | Cutting | Slitting | Sewing | Stitching | Grinding | Laminating | Chemical Surface Treatments | Sonic Welding | Web Wrapping | Oil Impregnation | Oil Bottling/Blending | Vertical Coating | Polyurethane Molding | Polyurethane Casting | Light Assembly | Asset Recovery | Re-manufacturing
It also features welding machines, computer-controlled progressive die stamping presses, rated at up to 80 tons, as well as punching, blanking, drilling and coldheading abilities.
Yet many find themselves choosing between labor-intensive manual methods for low-volume production or costly, inflexible progressive die stamping for high-volume production.
A heavy parcel has just arrived on my desk, and I know without opening it that it will be the next batch of steel dies from the engravers for our die stamping department, which produces high quality engraved stationery.
This product has been engineered and tested to withstand the rigors of the thermal die stamping process as well as subsequent lamination.
This set, available for approximately $30 in 2009, offers an entry level holographic coin to the would-be collector by using a holographic foil application process to the surface of the pre-stamped coin rather than incorporating it in the die stamping step.
To streamline production and meet quality, cost, and delivery goals, Green heck purchased larger, progressive die stamping presses and built larger dies in its in-house die center.