die out

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die 1

intr.v. died, dy·ing (dī′ĭng), dies
1. To stop living; become dead; expire: plants that died in the first frost of the season.
2. To cease existing, often gradually; fade: The sunlight died in the west.
3. To experience an intense, seemingly unbearable reaction to something: nearly died of embarrassment.
4. Informal To want something very much. Usually used in the progressive aspect: I am dying for a box of chocolates. She was dying to see the exhibit.
5. To stop working or operating: The motor died when we ran out of gas.
6. To become indifferent: had died to all worldly concerns.
Phrasal Verbs:
die back Botany
To be affected by dieback.
die down
To lose strength; subside: The winds died down.
die off
To undergo a sudden, sharp decline in population: hypothesized that pesticides were causing bees to die off across the country.
die out
To cease living or existing completely; become extinct: a theory that explains how the dinosaurs died out; customs that died out with the advent of technology.
die hard
1. To take a long time in passing out of existence: racial prejudices that die hard.
2. To resist against overwhelming, hopeless odds: radicalism that dies hard.
die on the vine
To fail, as from lack of support, especially at an early stage: a plan that died on the vine.
to die for Informal
Remarkable or highly desirable.

[Middle English dien, probably from Old Norse deyja; see dheu- in Indo-European roots.]

die 2

1. pl. dice (dīs)
a. A small cube marked on each side with from one to six dots, usually used in pairs in gambling and in various other games.
b. dice (used with a sing. verb) A game of chance using dice.
2. pl. dies A device used for cutting out, forming, or stamping material, especially:
a. An engraved metal piece used for impressing a design onto a softer metal, as in coining money.
b. One of several component pieces that are fitted into a diestock to cut threads on screws or bolts.
c. A part on a machine that punches shaped holes in, cuts, or forms sheet metal, cardboard, or other stock.
d. A metal block containing small conical holes through which plastic, metal, or other ductile material is extruded or drawn.
3. pl. dies Architecture The dado of a pedestal, especially when cube-shaped.
tr.v. died, die·ing, dies
To cut, form, or stamp with or as if with a die.
load the dice
1. To make an outcome highly probable; predetermine a result: "These factors merely load the dice, upping the odds that a household will fall into a certain ... income distribution" (Thomas G. Exter).
2. To put another at a distinct disadvantage, as through prior maneuver: The dice were loaded against the defendant before the trial.
no dice
1. Of no use; futile.
2. Used as a refusal to a request.
the die is cast
The decision has been made and is irrevocable.

[Middle English de, gaming die, from Old French, possibly from Latin datum, given (as by fortune in the roll of the dice), neuter of datus, past participle of dare, to give; see dō- in the Appendix of Indo-European roots.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

die out


die off

vb (intr, adverb)
1. (Anthropology & Ethnology) (of a family, race, etc) to die one after another until few or none are left
2. (Environmental Science) to become extinct, esp after a period of gradual decline
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.die out - become extinct; "Dinosaurs died out"
disappear, vanish, go away - get lost, as without warning or explanation; "He disappeared without a trace"
2.die out - cut or shape with a die; "Die out leather for belts"
cut out - form and create by cutting out; "Picasso cut out a guitar from a piece of paper"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
يَنْقَرِض، يَموت، يَخْتَفي
dø ududdø
líîa undir lok
ortadan kalkmak

w>die out

Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


(dai) present participle dying (ˈdaiiŋ) : past tense, past participle died verb
1. to lose life; to stop living and become dead. Those flowers are dying; She died of old age.
2. to fade; to disappear. The daylight was dying fast.
3. to have a strong desire (for something or to do something). I'm dying for a drink; I'm dying to see her.
diehard noun
a person who resists new ideas.
die away
to fade from sight or hearing. The sound died away into the distance.
die down
to lose strength or power. I think the wind has died down a bit.
die hard
to take a long time to disappear. Old habits die hard.
die off
to die quickly or in large numbers. Herds of cattle were dying off because of the drought.
die out
to cease to exist anywhere. The custom died out during the last century.
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