

1. (Journalism & Publishing) the work or activity of compiling dictionaries
2. (Languages) the work or activity of compiling dictionaries
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The Kola Saami linguo-culturological dictionaries: theory and practice of dictionary-making
The benefits were, of course, mutual, as participation in the project afforded the members a unique opportunity to test their theoretical knowledge about dictionaries in actual dictionary-making practice.
In this connection, the present dictionary represents an enormous step forward, offering, in many ways, an ideal model for future dictionary-making.
(Preface to the English Dictionary; 1755) Some other very smart person may have spoken truer words about the paradox of dictionary-making since 1755 but not with the eighteenth-century equivalent of a mic drop.
Anyone contemplating a dictionary-making career will read this book and think about switching to something less arduous, like, say, coal mining." JAMES KELLY
“The Oxford English Corpus is at the heart of dictionary-making at Oxford University Press,” said Head of Marketing Dan Stewart.
These cannot be updated easily, are subject to space restrictions, do not cross-refer to external texts, and are hindered by commercial decisions (for example, those dealing with production costs might oppose the compilation of sub-field dictionaries instead of a general business dictionary) that have had a deep influence on dictionary-making and reviewing.
Considine rightly notes Aarsleff's demonstration that the Oxford project derives its lexicographic method from a book on Greek dictionary-making by the German classicist Franz Passow (1812).
http://www.urbandictionary.com/ Given its unregulated, licentious, content, this seems as likely to fuse a school's web security firewalls as Viz's 'Profanisaurus' would be to be confiscated, but both are modelled on some robust dictionary-making methods and have an application at Key Stage 5, even if they have to be accessed at home.
of Milan) introduce 11 conference-based essays that address dictionary-making as extended in time, non-printed manuscript dictionaries, increasing use of online material, and the legitimacy of auto-/biographical sources (e.g., Simon Winchester's The Professor and the Madman).
The OED itself is interested in opening up discussion of the place of lexicography and dictionary-making in our culture to a wider audience, but I am especially drawn to it because, as a project, it teeters on the brink of folly.
It is known, for example, that the emotional energy out-laid by Stephen on his dictionary-making led to 'a fit of horrors' and his early retirement from editorial duties, while Baynes became deranged (and died shortly after) under the twin burdens of the death of his much-loved brother and his editorial obligations.
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