detective story

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Related to detective story: Detective fiction

detective story

A story hinging on the solving of a crime, how it was committed, and the identification of a murderer, thief, or other criminal.
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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.detective story - a narrative about someone who investigates crimes and obtains evidence leading to their resolutiondetective story - a narrative about someone who investigates crimes and obtains evidence leading to their resolution
mystery story, whodunit, mystery - a story about a crime (usually murder) presented as a novel or play or movie
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detective story

nromanzo poliziesco, (romanzo) giallo
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in classic literature ?
To pursue his secret has something of the fascination of a detective story. It is a riddle which shares with the universe the merit of having no answer.
"Like a good detective story myself," remarked Miss Howard.
Frederic Dannay, Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine and the Art of the Detective Story
In the theory of crime literature one usually makes a distinction between the crime novel and the detective story. In the crime novels the plot is based on the conflict between characters, which have a complete different relationship to the principles of law and order.
Desert Remains provides a fine Gus Parker and Alex Mills novel replete with mystery, a detective story, and the unusual pairing of a psychic and a well-read homicide detective who stalk a psychopath through the desert.
This is a lively and thoughtful hybrid of detective story and psychological literary fiction.
It's a very interesting thing that Mankell puts dementia into a detective story, when sometimes the identification of Alzheimer's or dementia is, in itself, a detective story.
The roots of the detective story, he said, run to Poe's fascination with scientific thinking.
Chesterton and the Detective Story" by Dale Alquist explains the importance of Chesterton's writings to the history of the genre.
Edgar Award finalist Keigo Higashino presents Malice: A Mystery, a detective story set in modern Japan, now available as an unabridged audiobook.
Japanese culture blends with a fascinating saga to make for a different blend of science fiction and detective story.
The children, aged between seven and 10, from schools around Newcastle, were asked to write a detective story titled Death on the Tyne.