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the quality of being detectable
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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It won't reach naked-eye detectability until around the 10th of November, about three weeks before rounding the Sun.
The end view of a number of simulation models are presented in Figure 5 to evaluate the capability and detectability of the PMIT system.
We used stepwise logistic regression to identify habitat covariates related to presence or absence of species at each trap without accounting for detectability (PROC Logistic; SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, North Carolina).
Veo's capabilities "change the rules" of CT imaging by applying revolutionary new modeling techniques to deliver lower noise, resolution gain, improved low contrast detectability and artifact suppression.
Obtaining the above information is required for development of appropriate examination procedure, including: selection of a loading procedure, examination setup, equipment, development of assessment criteria, evaluation of flaw detectability and reliability of examination.
The ACU in MultiCam-a jumble of greens, browns and beige-outperformed other pattern options based on detectability and blendability against eight terrain conditions.
In spite of the fact that sampling effort varied between areas, in an effort to reduce varia tions in detectability we adopted standardized protocols for all methods.
In 2004, several member states raised objections regarding the maize's allergenicity and toxicity, the risk of accidental spillage, the presence of an antibiotic resistance marker gene and its detectability. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) was consulted and concluded that MON863 was "as safe as any conventional maize".
To determine the radar's detectability range, we need to know: Is the receiver at the target or away from the target?
We used standard avian sampling techniques to assess detectability. Distances (m) from radar antenna to targets were measured on the radar screen using the Variable Range Marker utility (scanning array) and ruled overlay (vertical array) with enough precision to allow assignment to 100 m distance categories up to 3.2 km from the radar (Harmata et at., 1999).
Chapter 11 describes medium-PRF detectability and range resolving, while Chapter 12 covers the selection of medium PRFs.
[x.sub.ip] denote the p covariates describing the conditions under which the [] group was detected, and which may influence detectability. These covariates may be quantitative (e.g., [x.sub.i1] is size of the group) or categorical (e.g., [x.sub.i2] = 1 or 2 depending on whether the animal is active or inactive).