desire to know

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Noun1.desire to know - curiosity that motivates investigation and study
curiosity, wonder - a state in which you want to learn more about something
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References in classic literature ?
"Which only gives us a greater desire to know the real ones," replied the Englishman.
I want to be enlightened on a subject; then, when I shall have learned what I desire to know, I will withdraw."
I desire to know the amount of the sum which I am to pay for the armour.''
"Go, sir, then," said the queen; "you have obtained what you wish and we know all we desire to know."
"His fortune too!--for at my time of life you know, everybody cares about THAT;--and though I neither know nor desire to know, what it really is, I am sure it must be a good one."
"To see the black tulip, Monseigneur," said Van Baerle, clasping his hands, "and when I have seen it, when I have seen what I desire to know, I am quite ready to die, if die I must; but in dying I shall bless your Highness's mercy for having allowed me to witness the glorification of my work."
"All Paris rung with the praises of Madame Danglars' beautiful horses, and I had the folly to desire to know whether they really merited the high praise given to them."
And if you desire to know who it is lays this command upon you, that you be more firmly bound to obey it, know that I am the valorous Don Quixote of La Mancha, the undoer of wrongs and injustices; and so, God be with you, and keep in mind what you have promised and sworn under those penalties that have been already declared to you."
In addition, I had always a most earnest desire to know how to distinguish the true from the false, in order that I might be able clearly to discriminate the right path in life, and proceed in it with confidence.
All these are questions we ask as a reference to our desire to know these same queries of ourselves.
Betsy defines our prophetic nature as "any desire to grow in the prophetic is a desire to know God and experience being known by Him." Betsy's writing draws the reader in; she is open, comfortable telling her story and is excited about sharing the "deeper realms of intimacy with God." Betsy is creatively articulate.
The interim hospital order which Westwood is currently subject to has been extended by the judge, who stated that "justice is patient where a man is being treated and the public are protected", but added that he "feels most acutely for the family" in this case in their desire to know the outcome.