References in classic literature ?
And, if it was a Christmas Eve, while the great bell, which seemed to emit the death rattle, summoned the faithful to the midnight mass, such an air was spread over the sombre façade that one would have declared that the grand portal was devouring the throng, and that the rose window was watching it.
Only when the victim ceased to struggle and his cries changed to a long-drawn, measured death rattle did the crowd around his prostrate, bleeding corpse begin rapidly to change places.
Maybe anxiety is the final death rattle of your critical faculties.
To many in the West, the crackdown was but a death rattle of an authoritarian system on the wrong side of history.
Creator Vince Gilligan's first big TV job was on the "X-Files" writing staff, and his five-season saga of physics teacher-turned-meth lord Walter White (Bryan Cranston) avoided that show's embarrassing death rattle. And how Walter turned the tables on the white supremacists who destroyed his empire and his family, set free his young partner Jesse (Aaron Paul), ensured a comfortable life for his wife (Anna Gunn) and son (RJ Mitte), and ultimately died alone, the final victim of the horrors for which he was responsible.
I later learned this was the death rattle. It has left a gaping hole in my life.
In her TV interview, the clacking of the PM's necklace beads was the death rattle of an inadequate leader at a seismic moment for the UK.
Martin and Hammer continued CPR.<br />The vestige of a previous heart surgery and a death rattle rising from intern's throat darkened an already grim situation.<br />Muller administered a second shock.<br />No pulse.<br />By now, the intern had turned a deep shade of blue, but no one was about to give up.<br />Cooper took over chest compressions from an exhausted Martin.
On the day her son Robert died, Tammy Lofink walked past his room and heard a strange sounding snore.<br />She paused for a moment, but remembered that he often snored.<br />What she didn't know was that sound, also known as the death rattle, is a sign of a heroin overdose.<br />"I thought I should go check and then I just said, no he snores and walked past his bedroom," Lofink said.
For all the damage Nawazs controversial interview has done, nobody has quite noticed how it also sounded the death rattle at the stock market.
While it may not have been the final breath for gun legislation this legislative session, it's likely the death rattle has sounded in the Senate.