death house

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death house

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Noun1.death house - the cellblock in a prison where those condemned to death await execution
cellblock, ward - a division of a prison (usually consisting of several cells)
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References in classic literature ?
Lucy lies in the tomb of her kin, a lordly death house in a lonely churchyard, away from teeming London, where the air is fresh, and the sun rises over Hampstead Hill, and where wild flowers grow of their own accord.
Relatives demand CBI probe into Burari deaths Burari deaths: Boys were 'bright students' Delhi hangings: here's the latest Occultist, aide grilled in Delhi family deaths Chilling details emerge from 'Death House' 11 bodies found hanging in New Delhi
According to Sarat, the state (used generically) must execute the condemned in the most painless and humane manner that is technologically possible at that time in order to symbolically differentiate the state's lawful killing from whatever gruesome crime brought the condemned to the death house. In addition, the state must be careful not to turn the condemned into a victim or object of pity.
She said: "One of the people he talks to is a Death House captain, responsible for the last meal and buckling down prisoners to be executed.
Two death house inmates Jahandad Khan and Muhammed Arshad were executed at Adiala Jail Rawalpindi.
FAISALABAD/ SAHIWAL -- As many as four death house inmates have been hanged till their death at the gallows in jails of different Punjab cities early Tuesday morning.
The media has renamed some such as the Trailside Killer, Co-ed Killer, Children of Thunder, Vampire of Sacramento, Zebra Killers and the Death House Landlady.
For now, plans include a mock-up of original cells --which were 7 feet long, 31/2 feet wide and 61/2 feet high -- as well as a re-creation of the old ''death house,'' complete with electric chair.
10 West 14th Street, where Joel Steinberg beat his six-year-old daughter to death in 1987, is known in some circles as "the death house," and over 20 people are said to have died there, according to Jason Sail of CitiHabitats.
Carroll Pickett, the death house chaplain, said DeLuna asked if he could call him Daddy and held the pastor's hand as long as he could.