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It is characterized by the stalked ocelli and compound eyes, pronotum with umbelliform process dorsally, not concealing the scutellum or the forewings in repose; the forewing and hindwing with one r-m and one m-cu crossvein; tibiae not foliaceous; metatibiae with cucullate setae in row II, first tarsomere has one cucullate setae apically and the abdomen without conspicuous punctuation (Deitz, 1975; Flynn, 2014).
4c-f), they are membranaceous with some faint veins, small, cucullate ("hooded") and possibly clawed, between 3.2 and 3.4 mm in length (mean 3.3 mm) and 0.9 and 1.5 mm (mean 1.1 mm) in width.
Gonostylus slender and cucullate, 110-130 (126) um long, with numerous microtrichiae; crista dorsalis absent; megaseta 7-12 (9) um long.
Hyaline cortical cells of stems and branches with spiral fibrils (weakly fibrillose, sometimes without fibrils; branches always present; branch leaves with rounded or cucullate apex; branch cortex without curved cells.
The striae along veins of abaxial leaf surfaces, the nearly simple stigma, and the petals slightly cucullate and 8-nerved from the base in W.
8-flowered; floral bracts orbicular or nearly so, 20-27 x 25-27 mm, apex rounded, incurved and appearing cucullate, greenish-yellow toward the apex and yellowish-green at the base, glabrous or nearly so, equaling 1/2 of the sepals length, strongly convex, carinate or the upper ones obtusely if at all carinate, covered by an oleaginous substance.
Dietrich and Deitz (1993) listed as synapomorphies for Cicadellidae: the mesonotum exposed posteriorly, the labium not reaching the metathoracic coxae, m-cul crossvein present, metatibia with distinct long setae, tarsomere I of hind leg without cucullate setae, stemum IX and subgenital plate not fused, and abdominal tergum with divided acanthae; all of which are homoplastic characters in their analysis.
Stem leaves straight, concave, ovate, elongate-ovate or lingulate; [+ or -] erect and imbricate, sometimes spreading; margin plane, slightly recurved at base, entire; apex rounded or obtuse, cucullate; costa long and single (up to 80% of length leaf); median lamina cells linear, slightly incrassate, porose; marginal cells similar or narrower than adjacent median lamina cells; alar cells rectangular, shortly rectangular or quadrate, hyaline, [+ or -] inflated, [+ or -] thick-walled, forming a well delimited ovate or rectangular group along basal leaf margin, decurrent; initial cells of rhizoids abundant near apex or beside nerve in upper part of leaves, rhomboidal and hyaline.
Precise pollen placement, protection of the pollen by the cucullate staminode and possible adaptation to pollination by distinctive morphological changes are innovations that may explain the richness of Marantaceae compared to its sister group, the Cannaceae (Kennedy, 2000).
8 mm wide, ovate, acuminate and incurved at the apex, slightly cucullate, erect, yellowish-green, carinate near the apex, nerved, longer than the sepals, not concealing the rachis, glabrous.