Cuckoo ray

(Zool.) a British ray (Raia miraletus).

See also: Cuckoo

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
Among the findings were the egg cases of small spotted catsharks, thornback rays, spotted rays, the egg of a cuckoo ray and a nursehound shark egg case - a rare find along this stretch of coast.
ELEVEN rays are listed in UK sea-fishing records - ranging from the small 5lb 11oz cuckoo ray to the whopping 101lb eagle.
Warkworth, Druridge and Alnmouth beaches are producing flounders, dabs, odd turbot and some small cuckoo ray.
During the match, Gary Foster took a small cuckoo ray of 1-8-0.
The egg cases also belong to thornback rays, with rows of fierce thorns running down their wings and tail, cuckoo rays, blonde rays and spotted rays.
There has also been a report of two cuckoo rays being taken at Cresswell beach along with small turbot.
YOU don't get too many cuckoo rays in Loch Fyne these days but Cameron Carmichael still managed to pick up a couple to grab victory in the Alan Fleming Memorial match.
Some good bags of Flounders, a few plaice and turbot are being taken from Druridge, Embleton and Alnmouth and one angler, fishing at Cambois beach and using fish strip, had a number of cuckoo rays averaging around 2lb.
APART from the thornback and spotted rays being taken over the last few weeks, the latest member of this species have been identified as cuckoo rays, which were taken in the Cresswell area.