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or crow·dy  (kro͞o′dē, krō′-, kro͝od′ē)
n. pl. crow·dies Scots
1. A soft white cheese made from soured milk.
2. Porridge; gruel.

[Origin unknown.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (Cookery) a porridge of meal and water; brose
2. (Cookery) a cheese-like dish made by straining the whey from soured milk and beating up the remaining curd with salt
[C17: of unknown origin]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
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The dessert that arrived was pleasant with raspberries, sorbet and a few oats but bore no relation to cranachan (thick whipped cream or crowdie spiked with honey whisky, oats and rasps).
This dish is perfect for sharing - imagine yourself sitting in the garden, having a few drinks with friends, breaking off pieces of the cauliflower and then dipping the pieces into a very easy-to-make crowdie, yoghurt and lemon dip.
The choice of starters look an intriguing bunch of flavour clashes, but I'm not convinced it works on my starter of Arbroath smokie and crowdie roulade (PS7).
Exhibited in PT Barnum's circus, he was known for extreme humility; for his prodigious appetite for crowdie, a Scots oat porridge; and for lifting enormous objects and 300-pound men, whom, when asked, he would hurl.
Each classic kit allows you to make at least ten batches of one type of cheese such as ricotta, mozzarella, halloumi, softgoat's cheese and Scottish crowdie. The kits, designed for first-time cheesemakers to use in the kitchen, contain simple instructions and require you to add only milk.
And both he and Cyrus attempt to persuade a distinguished cheese–maker to add vanilla paste to her legendary crowdie cheese.
Oakwood's Anthony Crowdie said: "To have two signed shirts from one of Wales' greatest ever cyclists is incredible, and we're sure they will attract a lot of interest at the charity show."
Shaw Nelson also pays particular care to educate her reader on other Scottish staples such as crowdie a type of cottage cheese; kippers a salted and smoked fish; and whisky which came to prominence in America by the 1700s.
For dessert I chose the crowdie, a Scottish dish of raspberries, whisky-flavoured toasted oats and vanilla ice cream.
His recipe for whole roast cauliflower served with a tangy crowdie dip is a real crowd pleaser.
The sun was a bit shy but it was warm enough to appreciate this deceptively tomatoey reduction, with a heap of chopped toms and a thick smear of Katy Rodgers' excellent crowdie on the bottom of the plate.