crow garlic

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Related to crow garlic: Allium vineale
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.crow garlic - pungent Old World wild onioncrow garlic - pungent Old World wild onion  
wild onion - any of various plants of the genus Allium with edible bulbs found growing wild
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References in periodicals archive ?
On a camping stove, set up on the sand dunes, he cooks a kedgeree of locally-sourced smoked haddock, eggs, barley rice, reed mace, wild leeks, sea beet, crow garlic and laver seaweed.
"In some regions of the Black Sea, people use the leaves and bulb of the plant "Ornithogalum sigmoideum" -- called colchicum or "karga sarymsay-y" (crow garlic) by locals -- to make meals while another species of the same plant (Ornithogalum narbonanse) is used to poison dogs by putting it between two halves of a piece of bread in the northeastern province of Artvin," Kandemir continues in his article.