cross hairs

cross hairs

pl n
1. (General Engineering) two fine mutually perpendicular lines or wires that cross in the focal plane of a theodolite, gunsight, or other optical instrument and are used to define the line of sight. Also called: cross wires
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

cross′ hairs`
fine wires or fibers crossing in a focal plane of an optical instrument to center an object or to define a line of sight.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
"The services covered are ones where US firms are global leaders," the US Trade Representative's office said in a statement, adding that statements by French leaders have further bolstered the idea that US firms are in the cross hairs
IN THE CROSS HAIRS: Licences can be granted for specific purposes such as preventing spread of disease or preventing damage to forestry
JOE CLARKE has Olympic history firmly in his cross hairs but pointed out that simply being on the start line in Tokyo next year is not a foregone conclusion.
SAHIWAL -- Two high ranked officers have found themselves in the cross hairs of a controversy in Pakpattan.
The two pipeline projects, one a 600km multi-petroleum product line connecting Melaka and Port Dickson to Jitra, Kedah, and the other a 662km gas pipe from Kimanis Gas Terminal to Sandakan and Tawau in Sabah, came into the Finance Ministry's cross hairs last month due to the high draw down amount.
YET once again it would appear that the people of Northumberland have been caught in the cross hairs in the ongoing bitter struggle between the Conservatives and Labour.
The bullet was fired from a McMillan TAC-50 rifle, 2.14 miles from the IS fighter in the cross hairs.
Since President Duterte took office and launched his deadly war against drugs, people who fear they may be on his cross hairs have sought the help of charm traders in Quiapo, Manila.
The dual lasers visually mark the edges of what is being measured and the cross hairs pinpoint the centre point of the measurement area.
In this study, intraoperative correction can also be provided by cross hairs in frame-based surgery, and functional improvement is significant after cross hairs were applied in the initial development stage at our center.