cross cousin

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cross cousin

A cousin who is the child of the brother of one's mother or the sister of one's father.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Two significant features of Dravidian systems include the division of the social universe into two "supercategories" of cross and parallel cousins in which the former are always potential affines and the latter consanguines, and persistent bilateral cross cousin marriage.
For example, one's kamuru-ku yurntalpa (daughter of a MB) is a watjirra (cross cousin), and kamuru itself is one's ngunytju-ku kurta (the brother of a mother).
Only one term is given for opposite sex cross cousin, gemuroi [female] MBS, ?
What interests me in Layard's approach is rather that it directly addresses the most interesting fact that RHS is frequently found in societies with both prescriptive cross cousin and sister-exchange marriage.
Additionally, all cousins either are parallel or cross cousins. A parallel cousin is a child of either sex of your father's brother or mother's sister.
Instead, they appear only as "ego" "parallel or cross cousins," "cognatic and affinal kin," "joking partners," or "purity holders." When presenting Swahili myths of origin, describing manage ceremonies or funerals, and detailing the layout of Swahili houses, Middleton displays his unparalleled understanding of the Swahili.
We have seen that Kriol speakers use the term cousin for certain types of in-laws, and for cross cousins. Kriol speakers also use cousin in compound terms to describe parallel cousins: cousin-brother and cousin-sister.
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