References in classic literature ?
The girl was quite as tall as her aunt Pelagie, with dark eyes that reflected joy as a still pool reflects the light of stars; and her rounded cheek was tinged like the pink crepe myrtle.
Cloth of gold for coverlet there was none, but an old piano scarf of yellow Japanese crepe was an excellent substitute.
There was no help for it; Anne, clinging to Gilbert Blythe's hand, scrambled down into the dory, where she sat, drabbled and furious, in the stern with her arms full of dripping shawl and wet crepe. It was certainly extremely difficult to be dignified under the circumstances!
It was only of polished brass, continued the circular, though it was invariably mistaken for solid gold, and the shade that accompanied it (at least it accompanied it if the agent sold a hundred extra cakes) was of crinkled crepe paper printed in a dozen delicious hues, from which the joy-dazzled agent might take his choice.
Her black dress made her look yellower than ever, and her limp light hair straggled from under her black crepe hat.
Yet for months he had been hiding like a rat in a hole, unable to show even his altered face by night or day without risk, unless another risk were courted by three inches of conspicuous crepe. Then thus far our rewards had oftener than not been no reward at all.
4 September 2009 - Finnish fibre-based materials maker Ahlstrom Corporation (HEL: AHL1V) announced today price increases on its crepe paper grades with immediate effect due to the rise of raw materials and energy costs.
A PLUMBER has turned his back on the sought-after trade to run his own crepe bar.
RiverHouse Creations dessert sauces were inspired by a trip to Paris where part of the daily routine included a stop at a crepe stand.
Most French homes will have a dedicated crepe pan: a free standing, non-stick, hot plate perfect for churning out crepes ten to the dozen.
Spread about 1/4 cup thinly sliced smoked salmon (about 1 1/2 oz.), 2 tablespoons creme fraiche or cream cheese, and 1 teaspoon drained capers down center of each crepe in pan (step 4 of basic buckwheat crepe recipe, preceding).
Crepe is a crinkled lace rubber, obtained from coagulated latex of clones which have low carotene content.