

vb (tr)
to discover jointly
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Not only did he codiscover the Crepe (C) ring of Saturn in 1850, but his observations and drawings of Mars and especially Jupiter were also among the finest of the time.
"These things could be, essentially, ice cubes," says Michael Brown of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, a codiscover of Haumea and its moons.
He also joined the husband-and-wife team of Gene and Carolyn Shoemaker and with them went on to codiscover 13 more comets, the most spectacular being Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9, which was widely observed as it smacked into Jupiter in July 1994.
The fish used to range north from San Diego County about 200 kilometers, says geobiologist David Jacobs of UCLA, who codiscovered the new species.
Dialogue and dialogic conditions allow the "truth" to be codiscovered and multiple consequences to be highlighted, and in doing so, identify potential risks and solutions to problems that may not have been identified had the parties remained focused on solely advocating their own views.
He codiscovered 2008 [LC.sub.18] (the first known [L.sub.5] Neptune Trojan) and 2005 TN53 (the first high-inclination Neptune Trojan).
Men should not be screened unless they have received this information." (3) In fact, even the researcher who codiscovered the PSA blood test in 1970, Dr.
David Jewitt, who codiscovered the Kuiper belt with Luu, defended the Rose Center in a chat group, stating, "They've done exactly the right thing.
The Nobel Prize-winning German scientist Otto Hahn, who codiscovered uranium fission in 1938, covertly arranged the escape of his Jewish collaborator and then sabotaged the German research program to prevent the Nazis from developing a nuclear weapon.
He recently codiscovered a new species of spotted fever group rickettsia and relapsing fever borrelia in the bat tick, Carios kelleyi.
"The authors' new model appears to explain the incidence of colon cancer far more accurately than previous models," says Johns Hopkins Medical Institute oncologist Bert Vogelstein, who codiscovered which gene is responsible for FAP.
Levine codiscovered an important tumor suppressor gene called the p53 protein.