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ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: - someone who is the first of two or more people to discover something
discoverer, finder, spotter - someone who is the first to observe something
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References in periodicals archive ?
David Broughton, the award-winning co-discoverer of Kamoa-Kakula and Flatreef, in conjunction with the Company's advisor, Don Taylor, the 2018 Thayer Lindsley Award winner for his discovery of the Taylor Pb-Zn-Ag Deposit in Arizona.
Davis enjoyed a long and successful career as a geologist and mining entrepreneur, accomplishing many notable achievements, including co-discoverer of Yukon's Faro Pb-Zn-Ag deposit and the discovery of the Camino Rojo Au-Ag deposit in Mexico with his company Canplats Resources Corp.
In the early 1990s, Professor Pertwee was a co-discoverer of endocannabinoids: pharmacologically active endogenous cannabinoids produced in various parts of our own bodies including the brain.
Jessica Dempsey, a co-discoverer and deputy director of the East Asian Observatory in Hawaii, said that when she first saw the image, taken two years ago, it reminded her of the powerful flaming Eye of Sauron from the 'Lord of the Rings' trilogy.
Jessica Dempsey, another co-discoverer and deputy director of the East Asian Observatory in Hawaii, said the fiery circle reminded her of the flaming Eye of Sauron from the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy.
Jessica Dempsey, a co-discoverer and deputy director of the East Asian Observatory in Hawaii, said it reminded her of the powerful flaming Eye of Sauron from the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy.Unlike smallerblack holesthat come from collapsed stars, supermassive black holes are mysterious in origin.
Schatz later successfully sued to be legally recognized as a co-discoverer of streptomycin.
She said: "The Crick - named after the British scientist Francis Crick, co-discoverer of the structure of DNA - is a biomedical research centre dedicated to understanding the biology underlying human health and disease.
The established theory (known as abiogenesis) is that cellular organisms developed out of the primordial Petri dish that was a young earth, but prominent scientists like Francis Crick the co-discoverer of DNA also posit the exogenesis theory, a belief that life may have been seeded on earth from outer space.
Weaver as co-discoverer of Berkeley open clusters (p.
Caption: Sir Frederick Banting: Medical scientist, physician, painter, and Nobel laureate noted as the co-discoverer of insulin and its therapeutic potential.