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Related to caracole: chalybeate


(kăr′ə-kōl′) also car·a·col (-kŏl′)
A half turn to the right or left performed by a horse and rider.
intr.v. car·a·coled, car·a·col·ing, car·a·coles
To perform a caracole.

[French, from Spanish caracol, snail, possibly from Catalan and Occitan caragol, snail (since the custom of eating snails spread from Catalonia and Occitania in the late Middle Ages); akin to regional Occitan cararolo, eggshell, nutshell, and Walloon and Picard caracole, snail, all probably ultimately of expressive origin (imitative of the sound of a hollow shell).]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈkærəˌkəʊl) or


1. (Horse Training, Riding & Manège) dressage a half turn to the right or left
2. (Architecture) a spiral staircase
vb (intr)
(Horse Training, Riding & Manège) dressage to execute a half turn to the right or left
[C17: from French, from Spanish caracol snail, spiral staircase, turn]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈkær əˌkoʊl)

n., v. -coled, -col•ing. n.
1. a half turn executed by a horse and rider.
2. to execute caracoles; wheel.
[1650–60; < French < Sp caracol snail, spiral shell or stair, turning movement (of a horse); of uncertain orig.]
car′a•col`er, n.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: caracoled
Gerund: caracoling

I caracole
you caracole
he/she/it caracoles
we caracole
you caracole
they caracole
I caracoled
you caracoled
he/she/it caracoled
we caracoled
you caracoled
they caracoled
Present Continuous
I am caracoling
you are caracoling
he/she/it is caracoling
we are caracoling
you are caracoling
they are caracoling
Present Perfect
I have caracoled
you have caracoled
he/she/it has caracoled
we have caracoled
you have caracoled
they have caracoled
Past Continuous
I was caracoling
you were caracoling
he/she/it was caracoling
we were caracoling
you were caracoling
they were caracoling
Past Perfect
I had caracoled
you had caracoled
he/she/it had caracoled
we had caracoled
you had caracoled
they had caracoled
I will caracole
you will caracole
he/she/it will caracole
we will caracole
you will caracole
they will caracole
Future Perfect
I will have caracoled
you will have caracoled
he/she/it will have caracoled
we will have caracoled
you will have caracoled
they will have caracoled
Future Continuous
I will be caracoling
you will be caracoling
he/she/it will be caracoling
we will be caracoling
you will be caracoling
they will be caracoling
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been caracoling
you have been caracoling
he/she/it has been caracoling
we have been caracoling
you have been caracoling
they have been caracoling
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been caracoling
you will have been caracoling
he/she/it will have been caracoling
we will have been caracoling
you will have been caracoling
they will have been caracoling
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been caracoling
you had been caracoling
he/she/it had been caracoling
we had been caracoling
you had been caracoling
they had been caracoling
I would caracole
you would caracole
he/she/it would caracole
we would caracole
you would caracole
they would caracole
Past Conditional
I would have caracoled
you would have caracoled
he/she/it would have caracoled
we would have caracoled
you would have caracoled
they would have caracoled
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Verb1.caracole - make a half turn on a horse, in dressage
turn - change orientation or direction, also in the abstract sense; "Turn towards me"; "The mugger turned and fled before I could see his face"; "She turned from herself and learned to listen to others' needs"
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
In his joyous caracole round the lists, the attention of the Prince was called by the commotion, not yet subsided, which had attended the ambitious movement of Isaac towards the higher places of the assembly.
Le club de Safi connaitra son prochain adversaire qui viendra au terme du tour preliminaire du groupe A compose de l'Ittihad de Tanger, Al-Zawraa de l'Irak, Al Riffa du Bahrein et le champion de Somalie non encore connu mais qui pourrait etre le Dekedaha FC puisqu'il caracole actuellement en tete du classement.
Whole-home furniture manufacturer Caracole named Paul Seston president.
This year's 'Corniche' tent is sponsored by Qatar Airways, Al Jaber Engineering, Alfardan Automobiles, Alfardan Jewellery, the Commercial Bank of Qatar and Caracole Qatar.
Et, pour l'heure, le NAHD caracole en tete avec 10 points en attendant son dernier match (retour) contre le Doyen.
Selon les statistiques du mois de mars, publiees par Sigma Conseil, la chaine de television Nessma Tv a caracole en tete de l'audience televisee avec un taux de penetration de 32,2% suivie par Al Watania (31,3%).
"C'etait une etape roulante et longue, mais qui n'etait pas la plus difficile'', explique Vasiliyev, avouant etre surpris d'apprendre qu'il est le vainqueur du jour devant Terranova qui caracole toujours en tete du classement.
"Let us make a ring of negro heads around the city, from Fort Picolet to Point Caracole. Their insurgent comrades will not dare to approach us.
D'un cote, la "femme la plus puissante du monde", en quete d'un troisieme mandat de quatre ans, qui caracole en tete des sondages.
"And the unique fire-eating Caracole horsemen from France will be making their UK debut at this year's event."
Scant mention is made of Susan Sontag, with whom he had a long friendship in Europe and New York but with whom he had a contentious parting of the ways over his portrayal of her in Caracole. Perhaps his reminiscences of Sontag were written before her death and he feared additional censure or retribution.