caps lock

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caps lock

n (Comput) → Feststelltaste f
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007
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The trick was revealed in response to a tweet, which read: "Typing away only to realise cAPS LOCK HAS BEEN ACCIDENTALLY PUT ON AND YOU HAVE TO START THE WHOLE DAMN THING AGAIN."
Trump, don't talk with the most nervous people in the world with caps lock on," Tehran-based Hamid said on Twitter.
c) in a new paragraph, the source of the material support in the shape of GRANT-s (if necessary)(Home, Times New Roman, Size 8, Justify), written after the phrase GRANT SUPPORT: (Home, Times New Roman, Size 8, Justify, Caps Lock).
A midst the glut of political bloviating on the Web and other news media, where it often seems that whoever yells the loudest (or TYPES WITH CAPS LOCK ON) wins the argument, simple information about our elected leaders can be hard to come by.
There is no caps lock key and it is replaced by home/end key, and there is no PrintScreen button.
KUL added that the ES-87 includes features such as an angular modern case, extra-rigid steel backplate to prevent keyboard flex, swappable Ctrl and Caps Lock, detachable USB cable, media keys, big grippy rubber feet and is power-user configurable through on-board DIP switches.
It took me a while to realize that every evening as new programs were being updated, both the number lock and the caps lock were affected on my keyboard.
Cyber crime affects us all, from credit card details stolen from websites we patronise, to misleading e-mails from Nigerians without functioning Caps Lock buttons.
Not a pleasant thought is it, that manky bit of banana wedged under the space bar, or the mouldy corner of crust languishing under your Caps Lock key?
What the press bumpf fails to clarify though is if the ENTIRE THING IS WRITTEN WITH THE CAPS LOCK ON, as though you were actually getting barracked by the 'world's most belligerent boss' ([umlaut] The Apprentice) as you read it.