Caprivi Strip

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Related to Caprivi Strip: Etosha National Park

Ca·pri·vi Strip

A panhandle area of northeast Namibia. It passed from Great Britain to Germany in 1890 in order to give German South-West Africa access to the Zambezi River.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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The Bwabwata National Park is a protected area situated in the Zambezi and Kavango East regions, extending along the Caprivi Strip.
The minister was responding to recommendations by the North West Council following a tour by a team from the council to assess the state of the boundary fence along Caprivi Strip, Namibia.
Like the Talkeetna, the Caprivi is named for a special place: the Caprivi Strip, a narrow protrusion of Namibia that divides Angola and Zambia to the north and Botswana to the south.
We passed by the Caprivi Strip, a panhandle in Namibia, crossing back and forth into Namibian waters as we cruised by troops of baboons and seemingly endless water lilies.
Ever since I went on a short fishing trip on the flood plains of the Caprivi Strip, I have been concerned that the hippo populations in the floodplains of the upper Zambezi are being shot out or dying of disease.
But among serious hunters, the legendary Caprivi Strip is well known for dangerous game--lion, leopard, buffalo, croc, hippo and, of course, elephant.
The Lozi of the Zambezi region (previously the "Caprivi Strip") settled in the area known today as Zambia (previously North Rhodesia) after fleeing the mfecane by the Zulu in eastern South Africa.
DECEMBER 20 Rode the Caprivi strip and not an elephant to be seen - think they heard me coming.
Namibiaas Caprivi Strip The whole of Namibia can be fantastic for birding just after the rains (January to March) but the Caprivi Strip which borders the Okavango Delta is a real haven for birders, most of the options here are by boat or canoe, so itas very peaceful and the birds respond by behaving naturally.
It would be a good experience too, I suppose, to be sent up to the Caprivi Strip to shoot Freedom Fighters."
(Unfortunately in Zimbabwe, the current regime's blind eye to wildlife poaching by the military has rendered many conservancy projects useless.) In Namibia, especially in the Caprivi Strip and Kunene regions, community game rangers have been trained to monitor wildlife populations, conduct anti-poaching activities and collect migration data for as many as 20 years.