canyon live oak

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Related to canyon live oak: Quercus chrysolepis, interior live oak
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.canyon live oak - medium-sized evergreen of southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico with oblong leathery often spiny-edged leavescanyon live oak - medium-sized evergreen of southwestern United States and northwestern Mexico with oblong leathery often spiny-edged leaves
live oak - any of several American evergreen oaks
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References in periodicals archive ?
Species include black oak, blue oak, valley oak, coast live oak, interior live oak, Oregon oak, canyon live oak, Engelmann oak and tanoak (genus Lithocarpus).
While it may be construed to sound like "marketing," the idea of principle-based responsibility is as different from it as the Canyon Live Oak is from the White Oak in the Midwest.
One, canyon live oak, is the most common live oak in California and also the first that's outside the red oak family.